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Fiber Creek logo, a sketch of a waterfall and 'Fiber Creek' in purple textYarn, fiber, and more!  ·  1046 Willow Creek Road, Suite 123, Prescott, Arizona  ·  (928) 717-1774
Open Monday through Saturday 10-5 + Wednesdays 10-8

About the shop

Carma smiling in a colorful knit top Fiber Creek is your local Fiber Art’s supply shop, established by Carma Koester in 2009. Carma has always been a very creative person. She has been knitting and crocheting for over 73 years; weaving and spinning for 41. Owning a business was the last thing on her mind, but Fiber Creek became a platform for sharing the love of fiber arts.

Carma and the rest of the gals foster an environment for learning and sharing and most of all, they create a place to belong. Fiber Creek offers local, domestic and international products, from yarn to needles to notions and equipment. We have it all! We are open Monday through Saturday from 10-5 and on Wednesdays we stay open until 8 pm. Come on in anytime and hang out in our spacious knitting circle. Fiber Creek is here to help and serve the community through the love of Fiber Arts.

We are Here to Help!

Christi showing off a knitted bagChristi Weedon: Crochet, Knitting, Weaving, Dying, & Circular Sock Machines
Katie at the old shop, sporting a knitted scarfKatie Staudt: Knitting, Brioche Knitting, Weaving & Crochet
Verla and two stuffed bearsVerla Davis: Knitting, Weaving, Crochet, Bobbin Lace, Macrame, Tatting, & Kumihimo
Linda Kearney: Knitting, Dying, & Circular Sock Machines
Nancy Ricketts: Knitting, Brioche Knitting, Weaving, & Spinning
Gail Raney: Knitting, Colorwork, & Weaving
Smiling Deb wearing a colorful handmade scarf.Debra Dorrell: Knitting, Weaving, Crochet, Tunisian Crochet, & Knitwear Design
Amelia Chesley: Knitting, Spinning, Very Basic Weaving, & Website things
Kristin Hansen: Knitting, Weaving, Crochet, Felting, Spinning & Knitwear Design

Building Community

Charity Knitting & Crochet: Our Charity Knitters meet throughout the week to make scarves, hats, blankets, and other items for local shelters who help the needy and homeless. The results are often donated to these local organizations: Blankets 4 Kids, The Coalition for Compassion and Justice, Kalen's Closet, Prescott Area Shelter Services, and Veterans Affairs. Fiber Creek is also a local blanket collection point for Project Linus.

Donations: We have a "buck a ball" basket with nicer donated yarn and needles and all the proceed from these sales go directly to Prescott Area Shelter Services.
If you have a stash of yarn or equipment (needles, hooks etc.) you'd like to donate, please contact us or stop by the shop.

Interested in buying or selling used equipment?
Check out our listings here. Contact us with photos and descriptions of your for sale items.

Want to get involved?
Sign up for our Newsletter! Our weekly newsletter is the best way to know what's happening at Fiber Creek. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Ravelry.


Our shop is full of finished items made from our beautiful yarns. We always have the patterns available for them as well. You are welcome to examine these featured pieces, walk around and "pet" all the yarn, or to browse our new magazines and books while you dream about your next project. Join us for Sitting and Stitching time to share knowledge and find new friends that love fiber and yarn as much as you. You never know what new techniques or patterns or skills you might fall in love with next!

several ladies sitting, crafting, and socializing in the Fiber Creek knit lounge